Shop, for an Energetic Lifestyle again

METABOLE: For all your nutritional products and advice to look great feel energetic again…


Dr Charl du Randt developed his own range of products after his wife was sick and got back to health again. She is still enjoying an energetic lifestyle and they walk the talk. They, as a family is following the METABOLE Natural Healing Regime to this day.

In the process he discovered that most of the supplement products contained a lot of harmful fillers, stabilizers, preservatives and not to talk of the capsules itself

We are proud to present you METABOLE (since 1994) for nutrients that each form a complete food and thus are so much easier to be absorbed.


Dr Charl du Randt did qualified in 2004 as a Naturopath. He developed such a passion to help people that suffered just like his wife in an endless search for health, not even talking about ADVANCED HEALTH, but never really gets healed…


Do you feel how you get drawn into a system that eventually gives you one pill to help for the side effects of another?

The simple problem in the system is that symptoms are being treated instead of eliminating the course of the ailment.

Our METABOLE Range of Products is proudly South African and produced in Gauteng.

Dr Charl du Randt still offers consultations on his farm in the Klein Karoo.  Here, they enjoy an organic lifestyle.  If you like to have an evaluation of your health, do the e-consultation ( and to get the full value of his knowledge, visit him for a personal consultation where he will also evaluate your life blood.

Welcome back to an energetic lifestyle again…