Advance pH Balance (225g), the Startiing Point for Health
- Helps to restore the pH of blood to normal levels thereby preventing both acidosis an alkalosis
- Restores the pH of the intracellular fluids surrounding the cells as well as the cells themselves by removing hydrogen ions, thereby correcting the pH of the whole body
- Provides a source of potassium ions which are normally deficient in modern Western diets
Potassium Bicarbonate Crystals
noun \ \
A numerical measure of the acidity or alkalinity of
a solution, usually measured on a scale of 0 to 14.
Neutral solutions have a pH of 7, acidic solutions
have a pH lower than 7, and alkaline solutions
have a pH higher than 7.
[1909; < German p(otenz) potency + H(ydrogen)]
(The American Heritage Dictionary of Student Science)
Regulation of the acid-alkalinity balance in the human body refers to the maintenance of an optimal
hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in body fluids. On a scale of 1 to 14 the hydrogen concentration (pH) in the human body is approximately midway between these values. Only slight changes in hydrogen ion concentration from the normal value (pH = 7) can cause marked alterations in the rates of chemical reactions in the cells, some being depressed and others accelerated. For this reason the regulation of pH is one of the most important aspects of homeostasis.
The normal pH of blood is strictly controlled between the narrow limits of 7.35 (venous blood) and 7.4 (arterial blood). A person is considered to have acidosis when the pH value falls below 7.35 and to have alkalosis when it rises above 7.4. The major effect of acidosis is to depress the nervous system, which initially causes disorientation, but can lead to a coma and eventually death. Alkalosis over excites the nervous system which can cause tetany and spasm of muscle cells, leading to death if respiratory muscles are affected. The lower pH limit at which a person can live more than a few hours is 6.8 and the upper pH limit approximately 8.0.
To prevent acidosis or alkalosis the body has a number of protective mechanisms in place which include, firstly, acid-alkalinity in all the fluid compartments of the body and in the blood itself, which immediately combine with any acid or alkali to return the pH to normal, and secondly, the regulatory function of the which excrete either an acid or alkaline urine until the pH returns to normal.
There are three major buffer systems in the fluid compartments of the body: the bicarbonate buffer system which operates mainly in the extracellular fluids and blood, the phosphate buffer system which operates mainly in the intracellular fluids surrounding the cells, and the protein buffer system which includes the plasma proteins as well as the protein inside cells. Of these three the bicarbonate system is the most important.
Metabole pH Balance addresses the bicarbonate buffer system in the body and provides a high concentration of potassium bicarbonate which rapidly restores the pH of blood to correct levels and draws the hydrogen ions from intracellular fluids and body cells, restoring pH of the body as a whole.
BENEFITS of METABOLE pH Balance formula:
- Helps to restore the pH of blood to normal levels thereby preventing both acidosis and alkalosis
- Restores the pH of the intracellular fluids surrounding the cells as well as the cells themselves by removing hydrogen ions, thereby correcting the pH of the whole body
- Provides a source of potassium ions which are normally deficient in modern Western diets
No added preservatives, colourants, flavourants, sugar, salt or dairy products
buffer systems
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